News From El Wak District Central Gharri Region
January 09, 2008
by Gur Gharri
A newly formed association of thieves headed by
Abdirahman Sidki, Alio Shaburee, Isaaq Haji Dahir, Adan Chari, Adan M.
Noor, Abdirahaman Chito, and the Edin Dido have intensified a terrorist
campaign against the Gharri people in El Wak District.
It has been said that every Gharri male and female 18 and over who is
believed to be sided with Hon. Billow Kerow during past general election
and now opposing their view points. Therefore, they have been called to
police station for questioning. Because the above mentioned newly formed
group of thieves have accused them of planning to gage war against
Degodia and Murales, when in fact that the Murales are the one who are
attacking innocent Gharri herders without any provocation.
the Kenyan authorities are siding with that group of thieves and are
terrorizing the Gharri people when in fact that there is not one shred
of evidence to show that the alleged activities are taking place.
Furthermore, it has been reported that the above mentioned association
of thieves were engaged in buying voter registrations from economically
disadvantaged Gharri people and either destroyed it or forced them to
stay home on the day of election.
January 09, 2008 by Gur Gharri
News contributor