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  Gharri Dhageettee

Atee Darrtee Dhamottee     

Golgoloftee Bututu Aerbattee

Kope Dhabde Fantti Isi Urrattee

Beelofttee Dottee Oowruf Gallan Isi Degodin Fudhattee

Deemttee Dadhabdee Ulla Iti Deemtu Hanqattee

Gharri Dhageettee

 Gurba Isi Qaara Dhabdee

Laf Dhabnan Baddee

Gar Deemtu Dhabnan Teefatee

Yaddee Dhams Nutt Aergattee

Gharri Dhageettee

Booy-Isi Dhageenan Kattee Dhokatee

Orrif Jeettee Maqa Gharri Lagattee

Gharrin Laf Inqabdu Hettee Kattee Dharrattee

Degody Makamttee Gharri Dur Dhabattee

Gharri Dhageettee

Orri Laf Gharritif Dhabdee Maqan Barbada Degodin Yamatte

Laf Diqo Gad-Haftee Samachuf Kattee Korattee

Si Gayu Dadhabee Ka-Arman Durat Samattee

Gharri Dhageettee

Jalluwan Issa Maqan Charri, Chirracha, Chirri, Chitto,Churicha, Girofi Jiibo

La barranne Mukatt Hidhannidha chufumanu Siirgo, Kessuma Ka Hatti Jiibo, Uwiitin Siggirso.

Gharri Dhageette.

Ka Qore Gur Gharri

JUNE 24, 2007

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