November 17, 2006 By Gur Gharri GSG News Contributor

  On about November 14, 2006,  6oo Oromo militias raided Goro Baqaqsa town in Gurra Dhamole district, and killing 36 people. According to reports received from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Fierce fighting is going on as we speak between the Oromo Regional state militia from neighboring Arusi and militias defending Goro Baqaqsa in Gurra Dhamole district, in the Somali Regional state.

Also, 6 Somali elders were killed execution style at Bitat, near Nagele, allegedly by Oromo gunmen, ironically as the elders were conducting a peace conference with the neighboring Oromo community elders. Also, Somali gunman killed 3 Oromos later as retaliation.  

Furthermore, war is imminent and may erupt at any moment at the two front lines at Booji kalaf, near Dhakawata, and at Malab in Moyale district. The Gabra community was blamed for this latest confrontation between the Oromo region and the Gharri at Malab location inciting skirmishes. Also, the Oromos attempted to create chaos and disturbances in Moyale, but were averted on November 15, 2006.

Mr. Abdirahaman Karami and Mr. Bishar Tubo have escaped to Kenya to avoid possible jail time. Now, Mr. Isaaq Farqaatte is in jail because he was the one who bailed out Mr. Abdirahaman Karami earlier in the month of Ramadan.

Therefore, we will let you know as this story unfolds.  

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