Breaking news from Gharri District

 Breaking news from Rhamo El Wak District Central Gharri Region

 On January 02, 2008, a group of Murale gunmen abducted and killed Mr. Adan Hassan at Girisa. He was 73 years old.

Also, On December 31, 2007, the Murale gangsters abducted and killed Mohamed Salad Ibrahim at Yabicho. He was 22 years old.

On November 12, 2007, Murale gunmen raided the Gharri Village at afan Chabi Barki, near Rhamo killed and dismembered the head of Manatta Mr. Mussow Omar. Four others were seriously injured including the deceased man’s wife, his sister, a 2 year old infant who was only identified as the son of Mr. Yusuf Geljiro, and a man by the name of Moalin Billow.

 However, no adverse action has been taken by the Kenyan Government and also, the Gharri people have not retaliated against the Murale perpetrators.

 How long and how many lives have to be lost before the Gharri people wake up and realize what is happening to them and do something about it?

 What does it takes for the Gharri young men and women to realize that there is a greater possibility that they too are going to be the next victims, unless they do something about it?

January 03, 2008 by Gur Gharri GSG News contributor

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