February 25, 2017
We have received a breaking news from Moyale, that the Oromo militias have killed one Gharri herder near El Gof just two days after they agreed on peaceful coexistence amongst the herding communities of the Somali and Oromo citizens. The latest killing of an unarmed herder came after the Oromo region failed to win a war it waged against the Somali citizens living between Nagele and Filtu. So, they are taking the frustration of their losses out on innocent people. It has been clear that the Oromo region has been claiming every piece of land that is occupied by their neighbors as theirs. They have been fighting with Amharas, Affars, Somalis, Konsos, burjis, and even fighting with Guji Oromos.
The Oromo’s latest heinous crimes against the innocent herder should be a wakeup call for every Somali citizens to realize, that the Oromo people are clearly the enemies of peace and something needs to be done about this senseless killing. This victim deserve justice.
Also, the Kenya Defense Force has unjustly terrorized the people of Mandera County and murdered this unarmed Gharri man on February 24, 2017. The senseless killing of an unarmed herder is nothing more than a brazen terrorist act.
The Kenyan Defense Force’s killing of the unarmed innocent man in the town of Mandera and imposing unjustifiable states of emergency on the Gharri citizens of Mandera County should be considered as a crime against Humanity. The world must condemn them for their actions and hold them accountable. This is not the first time that the Kenyan Defense Force or Police Force has killed innocent women, children and elderly in Mandera County for too long.