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GHARRI MOTHERS ARE BLEEDING IN WARGADUD July 25, 2006 by Gur Gharri GSG News contributor  

on about July 22, 2006, two young lives were ripped out from their mother's wombs by Adan Mohamed Nuura and his employee Adaw Abdi Addi.  Therefore, Adan Mohamed Nuura is not only the Gharri people’s enemy but also should be viewed as number one enemy of the region. He is the instigator of all heinous crimes, because of what he has been spiting out from his filthy mouth. What you are witnessing today in the entire Gharri regions are the products of his 20 years works. Who broght Murrales to Wargadud? Adan Mohamed Nuura. 

Who is behind bringing Murrales to EL Wak? Adan Mohamed Nuura. Who is behind bringing Murrales to EL Wak? Himself. Who said that the Gharri people have no business to be in Moyale? Adan Mohamed Nuura? Who is behind signing of the Mandera North to Degodia? Adan Mohamed Nuura. Who was behind exchanging EL Waq or Boru Hache with a  price of a vehicle? Adan Mohamed Nuura. So, who should be to blame if the Borana and the Gharri or the Murrales and the Gharri begin fighting as a result of his filthy mouth? Adan Mohamed Nuura. Therefore, he should be branded as the number one enemy of the people of NEP, GEDO, &  Western Gharri regions.

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