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 Elwak: a land of wisdom, full of centuries old heroic memories of our ancestors or forefathers. It is a place that we call home and the only home that our forefathers felt safe in the past hundreds of years. They passed it on to us, so that we will continue to pass it to our children and grandchildren.

Can we afford to let that wonderful memories of our ancestors and history evaporate in our time? My fellow brothers and sisters, cant you see that it is disappearing in front of our very own eyes?

Lately we have been receiving, A brain numbing, nerve racking, spine chilling, and ear souring information that involved a few of our ill informed brothers who perpetrated the Gharri name.

So, brothers and sisters, how come we are not asking ourselves what can we do to stop this madness? Week after week, we have been asking what is going on, but we failed to ask how could we provide a remedy or solutions to these problems?

As we already witnessed in the past, our young brothers are capable of defending and restoring our people’s image and they have done that and made us all so proud. So, let us stand with them and help those who are committed and willing to sacrifice their lives to restore our ancestor’s unblemished records.

Based on our information, there are few brothers who became obstacles to our struggle. Also, we all knew that those few individuals have people they listen to or answer to. Therefore, if so, then please, let us involve and stop those few misguided people who have ulterior motives from continue aiding your enemies for petty self-gain. If all that failed we shall not hesitate to do all that necessary in order to achieve our goal restoring the Gharri people’s name and integrity.

 Lutta continue. Gharri shall be free BY ISAAC GSG MEMBER 24 Oct. 2005

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